Tomorrow We Vote

Thanks for agreeing to participate in this Tomorrow We Vote Video project! Please use this form to upload videos and/or images for the subject chosen. Follow the instructions below on how to correctly shoot your video with a cellphone and how to upload.

  • Go into your phone camera settings and choose 4K video at 24 fps. If you don’t have 4K, choose 1080p as a next option.
  • Clean your lens and record your video by holding your phone horizontally
  • Enter a quiet area to record your message. If you decide to shoot outside with a nice background, make sure your surroundings are quiet enough to pick up your audio.
  • Speak clearly and loud enough for the microphone to catch you.
  • You should be in the center with your entire head and shoulders showing. Using the back camera is the best but if you need to use the front camera, make sure you are in a well-lit area with plenty of light focused on you.
  • Your speech should be only up to two (2) minutes long unless you’ve been specifically allotted up to 3 minutes.
  • Speak with enthusiasm and if you mess up, pause, go back a line, and re-read it until the speech is complete. Don’t stop the recording  – we’ll piece it together once you send the completed file.
  • It may be easier to read a single sentence, pause, and then continue with the next sentence, pause, etc.
  • If you’re feeling creative, you can film at a second angle if reading from a script. We’ll blend both angles to show a single speech. That’s optional.

Angle 1 (Original Reading)

Angle 2 (Optional 2nd Angle)


  1. Your speech HAS to be nonpartisan. So, don’t even mention Republican, Democrats, political candidates running for office or an affinity or disgust for anyone in a particular party. Don’t encourage anyone to vote a certain way. It’s safer that way.
  2. Stick with the facts. If you are speaking about a particular statistic, state in your speech where you found it. (Example: “According to the CDC,…”)
  3. Stay on the topic of your chosen issue. If your topic is LGBTQ rights, don’t head off into Black Lives Matter campaigns..unless there’s a legitimate intersection. 
  4. Stick to your specific time. If you have between 1-2 minutes to speak, please try not to go over or under that time. We’re trying to keep within an overall time.
  5. Don’t add music, filters, text, or extra sounds to your video. Submit it (or them) as is. We’ll add anything extra in the editing process.
  6. No matter what, tie your speech to voting. Encourage people to vote in the next election. 
  7. Organizations or representatives of orgs, make sure you mention your group and feel free to give a synopsis of what you do and where people can find you.
  8. Individuals, feel free to tell your story and what voting for your issue means to you.
  9. Optionally, you can add ways they can vote by saying any of the following:
  • Text TWVote to 21000
  • Register to vote at
  • Request an absentee ballot at

Any questions, feel free to contact Brent Whiting at [email protected].

Click the button below to open the form and upload your video. In the form, send your videos to [email protected]

Videos are due: September 15th, 2020.

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