Tomorrow We Vote


TWV’s One Week of Action (Dec. 12 – 18)

2020 has been a challenging year. As the country reopens due to the Covid-19 crisis, misinformation continues to spread, and people are still promoting anti-masking and anti-vaccinations. This has affected immigrants seeking a new life at the border becoming sick, a shortage of staffing to help, and deaths have occurred. On top of that, Critical Race Theory has been rebranded by it’s antagonists and they’ve begun to cause uproars at school board meetings, ban books, and cause division between Americans over how to teach history – as well as what not to teach. School shootings have begin and gun violence is on a rise from the pandemic numbers. Politicians are doing almost nothing to quell the divide or even help solve the problems which most Americans agree upon. Time for some action Something needs to happen! So, as we get ready for the holidays, students wrap up their studies, and organizations prepare to wrap up their final numbers, we at Tomorrow We Vote have an ask. Would you be willing to do one more push? Would you be willing to help improve this state for one more week of action? We’re asking all progressive organizations, individuals, faith-based organizations, and volunteers to join us for “One Week of Action!” From Sunday, December 12, 2021 – Saturday, December 18, 2021, we want you to dig in a little deeper and organize for at least one of those days. Some ideas could be: Zoom calls to organize for next year Collect signatures for ballot issues Have volunteers knock on doors for a canvass Voter registration drives House parties to launch issue-based campaigns Plant trees for the environment Anything to reach the people! Tomorrow We Vote respects all of the organizations in the state and many have included us in their plans. We are always willing to team up and work with non-partisan organizations, groups, and people who want to do good work for the masses. If you’re interested in working together on a project, please reach out to us at [email protected]. There are so many issues that need to be addressed and it’s impossible for a single org to cover the whole state – no matter how much funding you have. So, let’s all do our part for one week and cover as much ground as possible! Are you in? Because we certainly are. We’ll be posting up a schedule of our events for our One Week of Action plan. Please also share yours so we can amplify it! Tag @tomorrowwevote or use the hashtag #actionweek in everything and we’ll repost. Sign up to volunteer If anyone wants to VOLUNTEER with us on this, we’d love to have you on our team! Contact us using the Volunteer form here.

TWV’s One Week of Action (Dec. 12 – 18) Read More »

Donate to Buy Banned / Challenged Books

On this Giving Tuesday, we at Tomorrow We Vote want to give back in a couple of ways. One, we’re fundraising to help purchase the books legislators and school boards across the states are either banning or consider challenging to young people. Most of these are politically-motivated and seem to be a suppression of accurate history being told. Others are to control the stories being told by Black, Brown, Indigenous, and LGBTQIA authors. We want to stock our shelves to have a safe space for people to read such books. Second, we’d like to purchase these books from local bookstores – particularly, Grassrootz Bookstore and Juicebar, Palabras Bilingual Bookstore, and Changing Hands Bookstore. If you would like to support our cause, please feel free to donate to Tomorrow We Vote and choose the dropdown menu for “Banned Books” before submitting. Thanks!

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Today, October 15 is the LAST DAY to register to vote in AZ!

There was a lot of back and forth regarding days to register to vote in Arizona. An extended date of October 23rd had been temporarily granted due to the concerns of the COVID 19 epidemic on lower registration turnout. That date has been rescinded and now October 15th at 11:59PM PST is the final time and date to get all registrations in. The bad news is there are still a lot of eligible citizens who aren’t registered to vote in this important election. The good news is there were at least a few extra days to help register more people in Arizona. But for now, SHARE THIS PAGE! Today is IT for this presidential election and your one vote may be the one that makes the difference. Below are two ways you can register to vote. Choose a method and share it to as many people as you can and ask them to share it to as many people, etc. One ask can go a long way. On computer: Right-click on an image > Choose “Save Image…” > Text / email / post it on social media stories on October 15th!On phone: Click on image and hold > Save to Photo gallery > Text / email / post it on social media stories on October 15th!

Today, October 15 is the LAST DAY to register to vote in AZ! Read More »

Unification through the Tomorrow We Vote National Convention 2020

On Monday, September 21, 2020, Tomorrow We Vote launched a large video project they had been working on for about a month to highlight voter engagement and focus on new and young voters. It is called the Tomorrow We Vote National Convention 2020. The idea was to cover the issues that concern young people as is usually discussed in their class presentations. But due to Covid-19 and the extended closures of schools due to government mishandling, TWV was forced to get even more creative. So, after being inspired by the DNC and RNC National Conventions, the question asked within the organization was “But what about a nonpartisan Convention”? Thus Tomorrow We Vote National Convention 2020 was born! Videos were created and submitted by specific people around the country who were asked to participate and who represent The United States. As a result, an hour-long Convention was created and displayed the concerns of many areas of humanity (many largely ignored) who rely on votes to help improve their experiences as American citizens. Feel free to check out the Convention as a whole by visiting this page or view each person’s video by clicking on them individually and share them to help influence people to register and get out the vote!  

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2019 Year In Review

In 2019, Tomorrow We Vote presented to over 8600 people in 40 events which include 22 High School presentations and resulted in 744 voter registrations of Arizona students – most of whom will be voting for the first time in November 2020. Our approach to directly address students where they are with an education focus is working. And we also registered and updated information for 132 other residents. Our Accountability Surveys also hit over the 500 mark. We look forward to 2020 and hoping to double the results we’ve had here. That will take volunteers, donations, and a lot more time before the November 3, 2020 elections come. The youth are resilient and so are we. As long as they have a thirst to obtain knowledge on the importance of voting in their interests, we’ll be there to urge and encourage them! If you’d like to have Tomorrow We Vote present to your high school or college, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 480-500-8116. You can also visit and contact us there. If you’re an Arizona resident and would like to complete the Accountability Survey, please do so at Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat – @tomorrowwevote

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Election Day for City of Phoenix Council Districts 5 & 8 is this Tuesday, May 21!

Important Dates and Times Monday, May 20 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 21 (Election Day) from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voting Centers Voters in City of Phoenix elections are not required to vote at a specified polling place in the voter’s precinct. Voter can use any of the 11 voting centers to cast a ballot. This method of voting is only available for City of Phoenix elections. For faster service, voters are encouraged to bring their driver license, state-issued identification card, or voter identification card. Broadway Heritage Neighborhood Resource Center 2405 E Broadway Rd 24th St / Broadway RdCesar Chavez Branch Library 3635 W Baseline Rd 35th Ave / Baseline Rd Desert West Community 6501 W Virginia Ave 67th Ave / Encanto BlvdEastlake Park Community Center 1549 E Jefferson St 15th Street / Jefferson StHelen Drake Senior Center 7600 N. 27th Ave 27th Ave / Northern AveMaryvale Community Center 4420 N 51st Ave 51st Ave / Campbell AveMemorial Presbyterian Church 4141 E Thomas Rd 44th St / Thomas RdNorth Phoenix Baptist Church 5757 N Central Ave Central Ave / Bethany Home RdPendergast Community Center 10550 W Mariposa St 103rd Ave / Camelback RdPhoenix City Hall 200 W Washington St 3rd Ave / Washington StSouth Mountain Community Center 212 E Alta Vista Rd Central Ave / Southern Ave All information can be found here: City Council Run-Off Election

Election Day for City of Phoenix Council Districts 5 & 8 is this Tuesday, May 21! Read More »

Phoenix Candidates Campaign for Votes in Speed Dating – Type Forum

Tomorrow We Vote is serious about voting and getting the vote out. And at the same time, we like to do things a bit different to make the political experience less intimidating. So, last Thursday, on February 7, we created a speed dating forum for the Mayoral and City Council candidates for Districts 5 & 8 in the Cosecha Co-Op, located next to the Tomorrow We Vote office. The result was every candidate in city council showing up and the Mayoral candidates opting out and substituting themselves for surrogates to speak on their behalf. Members of the community came to support and participate and have an intimate 2-minutes with each of the candidates before moving on to the other. This method was chosen due to the typical forum style which chooses selected questions written by audience members for each candidate to be asked and answered. As we like to give voters a chance to meet candidates intimately and know who they are personally, the speed dating allowed each person to have a conversation and actually get to know them. The community style worked so well, people eventually ignored the 2-minute limits and began having deep conversations with each person in the room and with each other. The entire Cosecha space turned into a community center where all involved were listened to and allowed to express their concerns on which they’d like fixed in their districts. Meanwhile, the entire event was recorded and broadcasted on Tomorrow We Vote’s Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts simultaneously to be rewatched, shared, and posted by anybody in Phoenix who wants to get their word and platform out for every voter participating in the March 12th event. The Mayoral candidates missed out greatly in this opportunity for people to get to know them in a unique environment and choose community and voters over every thing else. Maybe the next scheduled events will convince them to participate and get to know the people who will put one of them in office. Check the videos above to view the event. Photography by JJ Johnson of Intrinsic Imagery

Phoenix Candidates Campaign for Votes in Speed Dating – Type Forum Read More »

Why Should People Vote Challenge!

“Why Should People Vote?” Challenge Too many people have chosen to sit out on elections while others vote for them in their place. So, we want people to tell us (and the world) why people should vote! What is the importance of voting? If you want to participate and have a chance to win a Tomorrow We Vote Swag Bag (Tee shirt,  buttons, stickers, and an official TWV bag), then read the easy rules! Record a video of yourself answering the question “Why Should People Vote?” Video should be 30 seconds or less. Submit your name, email, and phone number (only first name will be posted) If chosen and uploaded, the most Views and Shares will win the grand prize! Last day to submit videos is October 31, 2020 Last day of View/Share challenge will be November 2 at 11:59PM (Arizona MST) Winner will be announced on November 3th – Election Day!! Tip: Get in early and Share, Share, Share!!! Uploaded videos will be on our Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram pages. Total amount of views + shares will win![caldera_form id=”CF5bac5957d28e7″][addthis tool=”at-below-post”]

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