Today We Vote!
Today We Vote! The time has closed in quickly and the Arizona, Florida, and Oklahoma primaries have come. Today, in Arizona, many positions have opened up and need filling. The candidates had been in full swing these last few weeks and today is the showdown in each political party. In association with Mi Familia Vota, Black Lives Matter Phoenix Metro, Movement Voter Project, and Movimiento Borikua, we at Tomorrow We Vote have been busy getting canvassers out to the doors in neighborhoods that are largely ignored. We’re offering shuttle buses to those who are unable to get to their polling station in Maricopa County and phoning thousands to encourage them to earn their “I Voted” stickers. The amazing thing are the young and enthusiastic volunteers who found this to be so important. Led by Brian Diaz, a 21-year old Puerto Rican political organizer, the 30 phone bankers and canvassers amassed nearly 13,000 calls and knocked on over 1000 doors within a four day period. If you are reading this and need a ride to the polls, please call 602-263-2030 if you’re in Maricopa County, AZ. If you have your ballot and failed to mail it in, visit a polling station by visiting Every vote matters and we want to make sure all citizens use their voting rights on election day!